Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm sorry

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I just want to dedicate this post to say sorry for the people whom I offended or might have offended. I Won't mention who these people are. I'll leave you guys to guess.

1. I want to say sorry for talking behind your back. Sorry for not listening to you in the first place. At first I thought that you didn't care and you were just a arrogant brat that lived in your own fantasy world. For that I am sorry.

2. Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you really. I only did what I think is right. I did a lot of mistakes before. I want to get up again and make up for my mistakes. I'm sorry that my recent decisions might have hurt you in a way. I'm sorry if the reason why you are sad is because I changed. I have grow up and I'm learning to stand and move on my feet with the guidance of my immortal Father. I hope you will do the same soon.

3. I'm sorry. I know that things might have already patched up between us. But for some reason I feel as if it's not enough. I want to do something to make it up to you. I mean I was really ashamed of myself when you told me of your condition. I didn't mean to hurt you in that way or anyway.

4. I'm sorry for not believing in you. For throwing you away and such.

5. Maybe you might have forgotten about this but I just want to say sorry for leaving you behind. I'm sorry for "replacing" you back then. I felt really stupid and angry of myself when you told me what you're going to do or what you feel. During that time I really want to say that those feelings of yours are not true but because it was I was unable to say a word.

6. I'm sorry for leaving you behind. I'm sorry for how I'm acting towards you right now. Honestly I just feel annoyed by you. I don't know why. Maybe it's just because of how you act.

That's all. For those whom I have offended I'm sorry. Please tell me if I did because I might have not known that I have hurt you in anyway.

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, September 29, 2007

Recollection(part 3)

Alright, now to the last part of the recollection. Me and Flint went back to our classroom. When our seminarian came he had a little lecture and then told us that we will be having a sin reconciliation. That means we will say sorry to the people we hurt in the past. We could do it either thru verbal or we just write a sorry letter. Only one of us wrote a letter. Most of us said sorry verbally. After a while, Kuya had us sit down in our seats. He then asked if anybody wants to say sorry in front of us. Many people also came in front and sad what they felt. It was great. I really felt so light after that. But for some reason there is still something pulling me down though. I guess as always I have a long way to go.

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, September 29, 2007

Recollection(part 2)

Alright, so this starts in recess. Me and Flint went out together for recess. she bought some snacks. While I went to see what the teachers were doing. I joked at one of the teachers who is the moderator of the Debating Circle. Anyway, I joked that he'll treat all of us for dinner in a fancy restaurant. Since he was hold a lot of cash which was the that payment of the orders of those students with no lunch. Anyway, after that we went back to the classroom. We read what we wrote a while ago to the class. It was Sharing time.

It was finally lunch, me and Flint had Lunch together. After that, we went down to the field to go to the goats we saw in recess. There were 3 in total, a male, a female and a little guy. Me, Flint and blue, a friend of ours, fed the goats some leaves. The male goat charged at the people eating inside the "soccer goal" or whatever you call it. Soon the goats were transfered beside the tennis court. Me and Flint came again and to feed them. Blue eventually came too. He was feeding the male goat when he was attacked! he was all like, "OH yeah!! *points empty soda bottle at goat* well I'll get you!" He walks away then comes quickly back. This time he goes to the female goat, grads a bunch of grass from the ground and says, "What do you think of me now?! huh?! Jealous!! Look at what I'm doing to your wife!!" That was really funny. We can't stop laughing!! It was too bad that we weren't able to record it in our phones. Drats...

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, September 29, 2007

Recollection(pary 1)

Today we had our recollection. It was held in the same place as last year and the year before. Honestly, At first I was only excited because of the hiking that me and a group of people are going to do. We hike every year after the mass at the end of the recollection.

Anyway, in the morning I made my sandwich, tuna-peanut butter and jelly sandwich(it was delicious!!). It was unusual of me since I always order from Chowking. So after taking a bath, changing and fixing my stuff I went to school. When I got there, I met some of my friends and together we rode on the same service to the Seminar House which will be the venue of our Recollection. At first when I got there I reminisced with a friend of mine- the things we did last year, where we went, the funny people did, etc. We all gathered in the Church for the introduction done by our "Cheif of Discipline". After what she said we continued on and went into our respective room per class. In our room there were limited number of seats with arm chairs. Of course I rushed to sit on one before all are taken. I sat at the edge, beside be was my other classmate. I was annoyed. She kept on asking me to exchange seats with her. Our first activity was to share but basically all we did was introduce ourselves and site either the age and/or address. After doing that we went outside for recess.

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, September 29, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007

Problem Solved..

I've been having thoughts about a certain problem I've been keeping my myself for a long time. When I finished mixing strawberry jam and peanut butter as well as tuna and sandwich spread, for our recollection tomorrow, I went to my room and found my "Our Daily Bread" book. I was searching it this morning but I couldn't find it till this moment. I decided to see whats in the back pages. There I saw the topic index. I decided to look for topics related to "love". I saw many topics about it and decided to read them. I only read a few of them because I was impatient. I wanted the answer as soon as possible. So i flipped some pages when I came to a portion which was "How can I know What God wants me to do?" There it stated the answer to the problem I've been wanting to solve. I checked in the Bible the verse which stated my answer. It was hard for me to even accept it. Even to the point that during the past weeks I am saddened by the mere fact that my thought might be true and I have to go my separate way. Anyway, it is only this day that I found out the truth. I knew that God might have given me the feeling of wanting to know as soon as possible. That's why He made me skip pages until I finally found the answer I was looking for.

Posted by Cresent at Friday, September 28, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


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ofcourse well all try remembering the things we do in the past. The past rather... it was filled with both good and bad events that changed my life. I was left behind by a friend whom I though I actually had a relationship with. Later on, I made a friend during 4th grade. We were really close. When I graduated to high school I met a new friend. The 3 of us hung together. I still remember where we would eat out of the school and would usually buy Tikoy and eat them. Hehehe, then we would go back to school. I also remember one time when Fallon was outside with me, we were going to catch a ride back to school when some guy threw something at Fallon. Then she said something vulgar and everybody was looking at us! what was worse was that we were wearing out school uniforms! hahaha that was funny...But...I believe that all things come to an end. Soon our lives will end, whether it's because of physical death or the rupture. So like these old times it ended.. but was then replaced by something new.

Anyway, I'll just end this here. It's getting late.

Posted by Cresent at Wednesday, September 26, 2007

4 seasons of Loneliness

Basically I'll just post the lyrics of the song. It's a nice song and yet the message is sad. It's about a guy and a girl breaking up. Then the guy reminisses his times with the girl as time passes..

I long for the warmth of days gone by
When you were mine
But now those days are memories in time
Lifes empty without you by my side
My heart belongs to you
No matter what I try
When I get courage up to love somebody new
It always falls apart cause they just
Cant compare to you
You love wont release me
Im bound under ball and chain
Reminiscing our love as I watch four seasons change

In comes the winter breeze
That chills the air and drifts the snow
And I imagine kissing you under the mistletoe
When springtime makes its way here
Lilac blooms reminds me of the scent of your perfume
When summer burns with heat
I always get the hots for you
Go skinny dippin in the ocean where we used to do
When autumn sheds the leaves the trees are bare
When youre not here it doesnt feel the same
Remember the nights when we closed our eyes
And vowed that you and I would be in love for all time
Anytime I think about these things is shared with you
I break down and cry cause I get so emotional
Until you release me Im bound under ball and chain
Reminiscing our love as I watch four seasons change

This loneliness
Has crushed my heart
Please let me love again
cause I need your love to comfort me and ease my pain
Or four seasons will bring the loneliness again


Posted by Cresent at Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Interview with GOD

I found this message in the inbox of my hotmail accout,, and while I was erasing messages I came up to a message the said "Interview with God" I was wondering who sent this to me. I don't even know the person. So anyway, it said that I am too send this e-mail to all the people in my list. So since I don't have much people in my hotmail account I decided to post it here....
Hi all!

Truly an inspiring,



God bless
This is pretty unique -

Place your mouse on

the X below and drag to

the O

XEven though you can't

see Him, GOD is there!

Please forward this to

everyone you know and


good will happen to you in

the next hour...

just watch and wait for it.

But before you leave double click

the messages below
Isn't it funny how you can send a thousand jokes through e-mail and they
spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the
Lord, people think twice about sharing?

Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not
send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they
believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.

Isn't it funny how I can be more worried about what other people think
of me than what God thinks of me?
I pray, for everyone who sends this to their entire address book, they
will be blessed by God in a way special for them.

And send it back to the person who sent it, to let them know that indeed
it was sent out to many more.

Posted by Cresent at Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Vase

Alright so these are pictures of my vase made out of clay from my Values class aka "Philosophy and Psychology" So the project was that I am to represent myself as the vase. So in other words I make a vase that will describe me then I have to explain why. There are a lot of representation of a vase. Like for example, the opening of the vase describes how much you are open to things- friends, teammates and etc. While the length or depth describes your capacity- capacity to learn new things, accept the truth, trust friends and more. This vase actually isn't done yet but basically this will be the out come, more or less.

Well with things said...I bet you guy are wondering why I made this vase? Well here they are.....

It is small and it's rather hard to get in. Like in real life, I treat people differently according to their relationship with me. I found out that I'm not really quit in making good acquaintances. I meet people but usually that's all. I just know their name, no more no less.

This describes that I when I meet someone, it'll take sometime and talking before I will consider that person a friend and not an acquaintance. Despite the fact that I easily refer someone as a friend It's more of a "fake friend" not because they betrayed my trust but I don't really trust them as much as a friend.

This describes that I when you will become my friend and me to you. It'll rather talk a large amount of time when we will lose our friendship and become acquaintances instead. In other words, when you reach the bottom there's almost no way to get out.

let's look at the handle as an object. What does it do? It allows the person using it comfortable. In a way that's me, I make sure to correct my mistakes and be a better person. Another use of the handle is that I allows a person to hold the vase easier. Like what I said before I correct my mistakes and be a better person. why be a better person? Because not only do I want to be a better child of God but also to be accepted by people and friends, whether acquaintance or friend. This brings me to one of my negative aspects, I would almost do anything to reach people's expectations that I risk myself- mentally and/or physically.

Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 24, 2007

Limit between Confidence and boastfulness

Ugh...In a way I've already had enough with Blue, a guy who's also in the swimming team with me. He just gets in my nerves all the time! He keeps on talking about his grades and how good he is. Well even though that is true or not, don't you think it's plain boastfulness that you show off you're grades? Even his swimming! I admit he's a great swimmer but he doesn't have to rub it in.

Anyway, what really triggered me was when he and I were in the same line. Then he kept on saying that I should move to the other line?! I was really annoyed. He kept on saying that this was his favorite line and that only "CHAMPIONS" were allowed to swim in that line. Excuse me? "champions"?? I haven't even seen you in a real competition and you already call yourself a "champion"? I admit that he's a lot better than me. That I respect and admit that fact... but rubbing it in?? Huh....sometimes his jokes really get into my nerves.

Yet....despite that I was surprised that when I asked for 3 pesos he gave me 3 pesos. Sadly before when he asked for even just 1 peso I refused to give him. He even meantioned it was from their ********. Ugh....I'm so ashamed...Lesson Learned: No matter how annoying a person might be he/she still and will always have a good side.

Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 24, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Naruto Chapters *SPOILERS*

I'm serious I'll be mentioning a lot of spoilers so if you guys haven't read the latest Naruto chapters(chapter 360-371) and hate spoilers back of!! For those who have read it or have not but don't mind spoilers....Look DOWN..


wow....Naruto has really changed... not to mention really confusing. I mean what's up with guy behind Akatsuki's leader? What about him? Is he really the Uucha clan's founder Uuchiha Madara? How did he live? He was beaten by the 1st hokage.
If Jiraya's theory was right that i was him that unleashed the kyuubi.... ugh?! and what does Pain mean by "Jiraya-sensei"?! could pain really be the Yondaime? Or one of his team mates? If it is the Yondaime then how did he end up with akatsuki? Will that guy who turned into a frog remain a frog forever?! Also... Will there be another battle between Naruto and Sasuke at the Valley of the end(or whatever that place was)?? How will it turn out? Gah! It's getting so intense!! what will happen after this?! More over....*sniff*...Itachi....*sniff*

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, September 22, 2007

Episode 2: Ditto?

Alright continuing my Comrade series... (Ugh..I'm tired of trying to make this as unclear as possible. Either way you'll read it anyway. T_T)

Well I'll explain on of the best friendships I have! In a way I could always relate our beginning the same as that of Uzumaki Naruto and Uuchiha Sasuke. We both contradicted in a way but it was fun. At first I honestly saw her as a rival.. in a way a friend at the same time. It's kinda complicated to explain actually. Rival because we had a lot of things in common- we both spoke English and know some insults in Japanese, we both wrote and draw and etc. Friend because I enjoyed being with her, she was really fun!(I can still remember the time when I took you're notebook and be both chased each other all over the campus.) With her I made and wrote fan fictions with us both writing and making our own fictional characters. Her characters were usually the siblings of the main characters in the story while mine usually start out as bad guys who's the rival of her characters but eventually my characters change heart and switch alliances.

As time passes we became more mature and acted less like how we acted during our first year as friends. During 2nd year high, we were referred by some people as "twins" to some people it was evident that we were really close friends. Since we are always seen together. Sadly, that was only the surface. Even during this time I still referred her as a rival. I guess I was jealous. Maybe it was because I saw and accepted that you were better than me at a lot of things I did. At the same time I saw her as a friend, it's hard and confusing to explain. So anyway, yes we were close. But something was missing, our friendship was hollow. In a way it was as if we were just friends than close friends. What I mean is that we hung out together and exchanged ideas but we never helped each other when we would confront personal problems. She would usually ask our other friends about it but never tell me then again I did the same. We were both just conscious of what the other might think than what the other might feel.

Recently, we managed to correct our mistakes. We confronted each other and told how we both feel. It was a surprise, that we found out we both felt the same in a way. So we both ended up rewriting our friendship starting back in the first page of a newly bought notebook.

*This was the only friendship so far that was the most unique and not to mention fun! hehehe...
*I'm sorry for the rivalry thing...and the times when I unconsciously hurt you.
*I thank you for everything!
*I thank God for you approaching me! (since it was you who bugged in)

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, September 22, 2007

New Layout

Well I obviously changed my layout. Yes, for those who really don't know I'm a Catholic. If you guys are asking why out of all the layouts I had to chose this one. Well first of other than the nice design I feel that I want to dedicated this upcoming month of October to Him, for He has accepted me for who I am. I feel that if I can dedicate a picture or a story for a friend then why not a layout for the one God who saved me, comforted me, told me that He loves me and stood by my side where ever I went. He never gave up on me even those times when I was lost.

Back a few years ago, I was doubting his existence. At times I believe He was true but that time only lasted for at least a moment after that I continued to live on and not bother Him. For years I've lived through that kind of belief. For years I never even bothered asking myself, "Is He real?" Anyway, like what I said I lived like that until finally this year I accepted him. Imagine that?! for 14 years I've wasted my life! That's like... being chained inside a cave for 14 long months. Of course I'm still starting and I still have answers worth searching. Hey? Who won't ask questions when you suddenly got a new life?

I dedicate this to YOU!!

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Gotta Love the Classics

I love the classics! Josh Groban, Michele Buble, Charlotte Church and more. Their songs always calm me down and make me energized! Anyway, most importantly I love the lyrics. It's so nice...great message! I don't really understand why some people look at people as nerds or geeks when ever they find out that that person likes the classics. I mean the classics are nice, I even think it's better then most pop or rock songs today. Recently the songs today are just punk, rock and EMO songs. It's all shout, little message and noise. It's kinda boring when you hear it again and again. But I guess the reason why people think that people who like the classics are nerds because they see it as an "adult only" genre of music. Oh well, they're missing great music by thinking that way.

Posted by Cresent at Friday, September 21, 2007

What a day!

This day was really weird. When I woke up I dreamed about my swimming and ECNAD. It was weird because in a way I saw what was going to happen in the competition. Anyway, I went to school despite my painful throat and "weak"(??) body. I first sat with Nike and Flint, I let out my Gameboy and played Riveria. Then I handed the gameboy to Nike and went to sit with Fallon and Lance. Ayame was there too. I talked with Fallon and Lance, Ayame was drawing so I gave her space. Anyway I'll just skip some parts. After the ECNAD competition, we- Flint, me, Fallon and Lance- went out of the gymnasium and met Paula and Serin outside. Our activity was that we were to fill in a questionnaire and pick out some projects from other year levels. So in order to cover more ground we decided to split up in groups of 2; me and Flint, Fallon and Lance then Paula and Serin, after which we would go to our designated areas and answer when we're done we all meet back into the gym. It wasn't long until me and Flint finished our task. So we went back to the gym to meet the others. There we shared our answers.

It was finally LUNCH!! After a while I went out of our hang out area with Paula and met Ate Bam. We talked and went outside so that she can buy some food and me Buko juice(since the people at the canteen were'nt entertaining and customers). Then we went back, me and Paula took a detour and bout choco balls. It was really funny when we went back to the area. They said that they were talking about ghosts(the area is kinda secluded and going there is like walking through a dark empty hall, especially during this time since there were nobody else but us). They were actually scared to their pants twice! We talked more about ghosts when Nike came. So anyway we continued talking, Lance was with Ate Bam for a while and then Paula went with Ate Bam. While they left we were jumping up and down trying to mimic those jumps that Broadway actors do. We were running and cat walking through the empty dark hall. After that we took pictures when Ate Bam came back with Paula. We did a lot of posing it was really fun!

We went back to the gym by 1:10. We were rather bored so we decided to play some games. Some were "pass-the-item" game, "make-a-story" game and "bigmacaleo". I really enjoyed the make a story game! The stories we made were really funny!! Where do you see a party held in a toilet and a lot of people sleeping in the road?! This day was really fun!

Posted by Cresent at Friday, September 21, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


hmmm...I've been really hectic lately... rather hectic and tired. Everyday after classes i would go to the pool for my training and finish at either 6:30 or 7:00. Then I arrive at home either at 8:00 or 7:30. When I do get home I fix my stuff for tomorrow and bring out the things I need to study or do. I go here and do what I should do. Huh... I really want to do a lot of things. I have 2 great ideas that I want to organize and make a story with it. I have a games I want to finish and play. I even have a request that I should fulfill.

*yawn* Anyway I have to go. I'll just leave this poll.

Should I finish my...

Request first?

Story first?

games first?

Current results

Posted by Cresent at Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007


Maybe God wants me to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for the gift.

When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours.

It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive Don't go for wealth; even that fades away Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright find the one that makes your heart smile.

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

Always put yourself in the other's shoes If you feel that it hurts you, it will probably hurt the other person too.

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along the way.

Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't get on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

I found this in a site called,

Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 17, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

Episode 1: Luster

well this person is like the title "luster". He(lets refer this person as a "He") shines so brightly that sometimes it's bad. In other words, he's like the quote below.
"Great talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off."
Like what it said, great talent can be the cause of you're flaw. He displays many great talents, talents that exceed many people his age. I've known this person to for a really really long time. Ever since we met until today he still has great talent. Unfortunately, great gifts come with great danger. Due to his great talent many people are envious of his talent. This causes the problems driven by a person with great talent, such as him. All i can say is he's talented...very very talented. Talented that even I was envious at a certain period. Now, one flaw of this person is his temper. He easily gets out of control. Even a little bad gossip about him, he blasts and gets angry. Now this is the hard part to control. He shouts out loud to make you shut up. So you have no use but keep quiet. I mean there's not use throwing oil in an open fire? On the other hand this person is really fun to hang out with. He's good to talk too and somehow I enjoy being with him.

Right now, I'll just have to try and help him realize his stupid tantrums. If talking calmly doesn't work then that's when I bring in the big guns.

Posted by Cresent at Friday, September 14, 2007

Comrade Series

Well I’m just going to post ahead what my posts will be later. So my future posts will most likely be about my pals. In total there will be about… 8 comrade descriptions or stories. I'm not going to state their real names, instead replace them with other names. This will probably last for... until this month.

That's all for now. Stay tune to the Comrade series. ü

Posted by Cresent at Friday, September 14, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Typical to-do-list

hmmm...well I recently have not idea for a new post.. so..i decided to post the usual things I do.
for...this time..

Tues(sept. 11)

-attend meeting
-swimming training(canceled)
-read book
-values assignments
-CM discussion
-World History Test
-finish episode 14
-research: Arthurian Legends

Wed(sept 12)

-Discuss for English
-Attend practice
-Discuss about MathSci project
-Read book
-Discuss about CM

hmm...well so far that's my plan.

Posted by Cresent at Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007

4 Things

Name 4 things you have done today:

- woke up
- swam
- ate meat
- finished a test

Name 4 things you are thinking about right now:

- dogs
- school
- my friend
- the time

Name 4 scents you love:

- mint
- cherry
- soft
- sporty

Name 4 things you'd never wear:

- mini dress
- mini skirt
- heaven
- nothing

Name the last 4 things you have bought:

- food
- load
- pencil
- drinks

Name 4 things drinks you regularly drink:

- water
- mango shake
- buko juice
- lemonade

Name 4 bands/groups most people don't know you like:

- my chemical romance?
- Rihanna
- high and mighty color
- simple plan

Name 4 bad habits you have:

- lying
- getting over excited
- boasting
- not eating

Name 4 things you wish you had:

- laptop
- lots of books
- memory card reader
- ....a PS3?

This survey was taken at!

Posted by Cresent at Thursday, September 06, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

DepEd Survey

Uhh....This is some tiring test. We were gathered in classrooms composed of 40 chosen students per class. There we were told that the DepEd is holding a survey and they need us to answer it. Unfortunely, the subjects were random and I ended up in History. I love History was in tagalog. So I didn't get a word it said. I was so tired that the only thing I did was guess. We were asked to take 2 tests. I was expecting that I would take another subject but NO!! Ugh...I had to take another test of the same subject...

Posted by Cresent at Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Opening your Heart

Wow... I never thought that this person I know, a guy, would experience something like that...You see... a while ago somebody shared his Love story with me. I promise never to tell or talk to him about it again so I'm keeping my mouth shut what his story is. I never thought that he had experienced something as tragic as that. I mean he met this girl whom he truly loved. They're relationship ended tragically. I saw in his eyes when he left that he was going to cry. While he was going to that part I expected something like rape or so but never THAT. I found out in that story, along with his other talks, he never had an easy life. I encountered so many hardships and now he is trying to stand up again. He can never get back what he lost but he can always make new beginnings. I admire a man like him. He is somebody who has really seen the error of his ways and is trying his best to change.
I'm really lucky that I did not have the life that he did. I am thankful that he is there to warn be about many battles. In hopes that I will not feel what he felt. For that I am really thankful. Going back to him, I'm really sorry the things that I said. I really am. He's a great person! A great model too!

Posted by Cresent at Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

100 Item Quiz

I just found this Quiz in my friend's blog and decided to answer it myself.

1)Full Name: Cresent Ein Melstone

2) Male/Female: Female

3) Were you named after anyone?: Hmm...I don't know of ANYONE but SOMETHING would be more precise.

4) Does your name mean anything?: Luna

5) Nick Name(s): "Cua-chama!", "Cresent", "Cua-chan", "Cua-kun", "Rei-chan", "Rei-kun", "Rei-sama", "Cua", "Kuala"(rather..Koala), "Swimmer Girl"(only one guy calls me this) and Kairi(hehehe only Nii-chan can call me this one!).Well that's all I remember so far.

6) What do you think you look like... name wise: I don't know really.

7) Date Of Birth: January 12 year 1993

8) Place of Birth and Current Location: CDO

9) Nationality: A mixture of Filipino, Chinese and Spanish blood.

10) Astrology Sign: Capricorn, "the serious"

11) Chinese Astrology Sign: Rooster

12) Religion: Roman Catholic(GOD ROCKS!!)

13) Whats your favorite smell?: Fresh Cool AIR...

14) Political Position?: Political Position...?? Ugh...I don't know.

15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?: Tea, Water or... Yogurt.

16) Hair + Eye color: Black Hair and... Dark brown with faint grays.

17) Do you look like anyone famous?: Not that I know I am??

18) What do you look like?: A girl with hair a little below the shoulder and is usually seen wearing a Garnet Pendant in a form of a cross.

19) Any unusual talents?: Hmmm...Not that I know any?

20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Ambidextrous!! hahaha!! kidding, I'm a Righty.

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: What kind Of Question is th-?! Straight.

22) What do you do for a living?: Writer, Book Worm, Gamer, Sketcher, Blogger, Chatter, Administrator and Programmer.

23) What do you do for fun?: Read books? Sketch, Write, Chat? My Hobbies

24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?: colored pencils, pens, pencils and erasers

25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?: canvass painting!

26) Have you met your grandparents?: Yeah.

27) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no comment.

28) Crush: Nope none!

29) What celebrity would you date if you could?: Ugh....Right...I can say "nobody" right?

30) Current worries?: You can't imagine.

31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s): @_@

32) Favorite place to be?: My room or somewhere nice like the beach or the forest or lake!

33) Least favorite place to be?: HELL.

34) Do you burn or tan?: none?

35) Ever break a bone?: Just sprains and cramps from swimming.

36) What is your favorite cereal?: well...anything with flakes.

37) Person you cry with: no comment.

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters: sister

39) Any brothers: brother

40) Any pets: Fishes, Turtles and Dogs

41) An Illness: Not that I know any that I have right now and I hope not

42) A Pager: nah...

43) A Personal phone line: I have my cell phone. Does that count?

44) A Cell phone: Yup

45) A visible birthmark: None?

46) A Pool or hot tub: Pool!

47) A Car: Yeah.

Describe Your...

48) Personality: hard to explain

49) Driving: Well I think I'm planning to take my Junior License when I turn 15.

50) Your clothing style: Let it be a Shirt or a blouse or polo maybe with a vest and....cargo pants, loose Jeans or... err...I forgot what it's called.

51) Room: It's semi clean. ^^u

52) What’s missing: Hmmm...well I don't know YET.

53) School: Hight School, currently a Junior.

54) Bed: Just right.

55) Relationship with your parent(s): Honestly they're usually busy with things, especially with my Dad. But I'm happy that their my parents.

56) Do You believe in yourself: YES!

57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: Hahahaha!! This is so FUNNY!! Of course not!!

58) Consider yourself a good listener: so so...

59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?: Yeah but I don't feel like sharing it right now.

60) Get Along with your parents: I'm still getting there.

61) Save your e-mail conversations: Yeah.

62) Pray: Of Course!

63) Believe in reincarnation: Yeah but I know only one person can do this.

64) Brush your teeth twice a day?: twice

65) Like to talk on the phone: Not really. It's annoying.

66) Like to eat?:

67) Like to exercise?: I'm a swimmer so yeah I have to.

68) Like to watch sports?: Not really. Unless it's happening in front of my eyes.

69) Sing in the car?: ehehe...I don't know...hehehe..

70) What is a dream that you have all the time?: Hmm...I don't know

71) Dream in color: Yeah always.

72) Do you have nightmares?: Yeah, like my recent dream.

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: Before I did.

74) Right next to you: My Table and Bed.

75) On your favorite coffee cup?: I don't drink coffee.

76) On your mouse pad: nothing?

77) Your favorite flavor of gum?: Hmmm...Any would do...but I'd prefer sour!

78) Your brand of deodorant?: 0_0...Never will I tell!!

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: No comment

80) Your dream husband/wife: No comment

81) Hiding in your closet?: Secret things....

82) Under your bed: Dust Bunnies

83) The name of one of your closest/best friends?: I have equal feelings towards my friends.

I quote myself:
What's done can never be Redone but what's wounded can always be healed.

84) Your bad time of the day: When I get Irritated.

85) Your worst fear(s): That I cannot tell

86) What's the weather like: Cool it's night already.

87) Your favorite time of year?: March, Summer, October and December

88) Your favorite holiday?: Christmas?

89) A material weakness?: A ball that's going to hit me. -_-

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: Frog.

91) At the top of your "to-do list"?: Finish "to-do-list"

92) The hardest thing about growing up: Change

93) A pet peeve?: not sure. Am I?

94) Your scariest moment: When I know that my life will depend on one decision.

95) Your attitude about love?: I have no comments about this one.

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: Punch Him.

97) The worst feeling in the world: Heart aches, emotional break downs and cramps

98) The best feeling in the world: Peace

99) Who sent this to you?: I just found it.

100) People you want this to answer too:
a. Nii-chan
b. Ayame
c. Flint

Posted by Cresent at Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Nightmare to Reality

I had a dream last night. In that dream there were details that I can never forget. One detail involves crocodiles, a bus and to rescue 1,2,3,4,5 groups of people from a certain disaster. In the end... just when I was going to save the people who were in danger of being eaten by the crocodile somebody told me... "A lot of people hate you, you know." In frustration I left the place and my dream ended. I didn't realize how... weird my dream was until after 3 hours while it just popped in my head. Recently I've been having problems on how much I am accepted, since practically all my classmates hate me. I am not really a believer of dream representations but just for the heck of it I checked it out online. I found out that the anger manifested towards me symbolizes my struggle to be accepted by others. While my response to this act is much worse. The part where I have to rescue people represents a part of me that's being ignored and I'm trying my best to show this side of me. The crocodiles say that I'm in danger of being lead to the wrong road. Frankly I don't believe these things but ,honestly, these representations of wanting to be accepted and being neglected are all true. Everyday, a thought appears in my head about people hating me for the things that I have done in the past and is trying to change now. Sadly, they seem to not take notice of what I am trying to do....

Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 03, 2007

English Play

English play, I'm rather dedicated to it really. Our play is basically inspired by the movie Pursuit for Happiness. The first story is very similar to the real movie. So I decided to change that story almost completely. So here's the story:

Leandro is a male young adult. He lives with his family who, are very ambitious. They want Leandro to excel greatly in academics, which unfortunately he is not very good at. Instead, he excels in music, playing the guitar to be exact. One day, he and his family went to visit another city nearby. There Leandro was left by his parents, with only his guitar and a few dollars. He tries to find a job but was rejected. He then starts performing in the streets not too long afterwards he meets friends of his named, Cruz* and Reina*. They both work at the nearby bar and asked Leandro to join them. Leandro had fun with them. Thought they also were into beer and those things. One night, Cruz persuades Leandro to join him and Reina in their gimmick. Leandro, having not much of a choice accepted. They went to a store, one late night, broke in and stole a large amount of money. Leandro, after a long time of thinking, he decides to let go of Cruz and Reina as well as his job. So now he's back in the streets. Paula*, an assistant manager who is in search for a musician that would mark the history of music, passes by Leandro and hears his guitar playing. She brings him to her boss, Rusell*. He aids Leandro rise up in the music industry. Juse when things were going great, he is accused of steeling money(remember the part where Cruz and Reina bring Leandro to their gimmick?). Just when he is about to be sent to jail Reina runs into the court and gives enough evidence to prison Cruz and free Leandro.

-the ones with an asterisk(*) are unofficial names.
-I'm still planning to change the begining of the play because leaving your son in another city does not seem.... "complete".

-I'm still adding more detail to what happened during their gimmick

Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 03, 2007

CCS Election and Music Lyric Cramming!!

well CCS is finally having it's CSG, or student government. yeah, campaigns here and there, posters, big and small. Well at least this year is a lot more tidy. There are finally designated areas for the posters. But what's unique are the people running. I never found this number of students from General sections running. Oh well, I guess it would be a great idea. I mean sometimes it can get rather annoying that all the students who are running are from the Honors sections. Actually this year's election is rather encouraging me to run for next year! Hahaha!! Vote me!! kidding...but seriously, for some reason i want to run next year. Well time will tell I say.

Alright, cramming... just from the word it's already tiring. Subject is music class, it seems that the deadline for our lyrics is tomorrow. what's worse, I forgot to bring the incomplete
lyrics. Errr....rather i lost it actually. Anyway, my 2 friends managed to remember the incomplete lyrics. So....well...I don't know what's happening to the lyrics right now. I lost track of it when I borrowed it to copy the lyrics.

Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 03, 2007

Fictional Characters

Well as a writer I write as an anime fan I watch anime and when my mind finds a place in the anime i start imagining what would happen if i make my own character in that show. I wonder... How will I act towards them, the characters? What will happen if ....[place event here]? Basically those were what pulled me to continue with my fictional characters.

I started when i was in Grade 4. It was nearing to end until i finally decided to make a fictional character. My first was a character, female, I had her inserted in Gensomaden Saiyuki, which i loved back then and even until today. Sadly, I had my CPU refreshed years ago and since I encoded all of here information there. My file of her was deleted. I'll just list down my top 5 main fictional characters.

*not in order*

1. Akuma Rei, Naruto

Naruto was the first anime where in I worked with a friend. I have my character Akuma Rei- a student of Uchiha Itachi, Mangenkyu Sharingan User and the holder of the Kurai or Yonrai(take note again that this is purely fan fic based) - and her rival, made by my friend, Uzumaki Keira.

2. Tao Jen, Shaman King

Jen, the kindest in the list. She started off as a normal human but it is only after she was told by her surrogate father of the truth. She was then trained to enter the Shaman Tournament. She developed a deep hatred towards her real family, the Taos, early in the 2nd round of the Tournament. She joins Hao's team for a while but then shifts alliance with Yoh's right before they find Doby(correct me if I'm wrong) village.

3. Terrence, Yggdra Union

He's my latest character to the game Yggdra Union. He leads Sigma, an army of the Empire that specializes in axe, sword and spear wielders. Very arrogant and aggressive. Although, he starts to soften up when he joins the Army after knowing the story behind the death of Ferenna, his mother like figure.

4. Hiwatari Aki, Beyblade

The bubbliest in the list, she's the little sister of Hiwatari Kai. She is first scene in Beyblade V-force or Beyblade 2000. Ironically, her personality blends with that of black dranzer's. Thus, she is the only one who can manage Black Dranzer without having "side effects". She is also notable for giving people nicknames like Neko-chan, Rei Kon, Nii-chan, Kai, Nee-chan, Keira(another fictional character), Monkey-king, Takao, Maki-Maki, Max, Inu-pon(-chi, -tan...more), Yuri, and more...almost everybody she knows she gives a nickname actually.

5. Ken Drazher, Battle B-daman

The most silent of them all in the list. She is blind at her right eye(or was that left) by about 70%-80%. She is first introduced as the reigning champion for 3 years in the Winner's tournament. Later on though, it is found out that she's part of the Shadow Alliance, being loyal to Marda-B, and those battles she won 3 years ago were just results of cheating. She escapes the Shadow Alliance after discovering the really "beauty" of the world. She usually travels by herself after that, sometimes appearing when yamato and the others need her the most. By the end of the season, she joins with Yamato and the others and is healed by her blindness.

well that's all of them...all 5 of my noted characters in no order.

Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 03, 2007

Now in Business!

Finally after 2 days rather....One night and a day since I made this blog I've done it! My first blog!

well to start things off I'd like to talk about the what I used in making this place.

1. - Of course is the place that made this possible. It's the one hosting this, obviously. First of course you have to Register for this place it won't take that long. This place is great and it's easy to use and customize too!

2. - Alright, so I'm guessing a lot of you guys know this place? Imeem's a huge site with tons of uploaded songs, pictures and videos. I noticed that the most notable feature in Imeem is their player. It's easy to use and easy to embed or post.

3. - Ahh... It features great shout boxes...actually you design the color of the shout box as well as format. you can also decide you're smilies, whether you choose to use other smilies or use the default. You still have to Register for this one too but it won't take long. Over all, it's a nice place only if they allowed more smilies for those who registered for free.

4. - A site for hit counters. It's simple and easy to access. You don't have to register for this site. In here you'll find that you can choose a number of hit counter designs as well as edit the number of digits and the starting number of you're counter. Then just click done-button and you got you're code! Just paste it in you're template and you got you're counter.

5. - This is the place where i found my page design. It has a lot of great designs for Blogger and more. One thing I like about this is their thumbmail feature with this feature it's quicker to browse and find the design perfect for you!

6. themehs - Okay, this is the one that brought this design to life. He/She(<--sorry I have no idea of you're Gender so I'll just be using this to make sure.) makes really cute sheep designs and makes cute wallpapers and clocks. He/She is also making new designs(when I look at it). Honestly, I can't wait till that time comes!

*this was from my old blog.

Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 03, 2007

Ooops.. ^^u

well if you guys noticed why I have similar posts with another blog. It's because...actually that's mine. Sadly, I cannot access it now, or fost to inform you guys why my first few posts are similar to that of another blog isrever possibly, so I just decided to create a new account and start from scratch.

for those who are wondering the blog that I meantioned earlier was...


Posted by Cresent at Monday, September 03, 2007