Saturday, November 1, 2008

Another Sub Rosa entry! I call this little scene "introducing the cats"


Jess enters Adrienne’s house and the first thing her eyes saw were the number of cats around the room. 1 cat had white and black spots, one had orange hair and black stripes like a tigers, one had black hair, the other white, one had brown and one had an assortment of all 3 colors and lastly there was one with orange hair and what seems to be a scar on his body. There were 2 cats on the sofa, 1 was sleeping above the fire place, 3 were playing on the floor and another 1 was walking toward them as if it was greeting them.

“You never told me that you loved cats this much, Adrienne. How do you raise these guys? I have a fish at home and it’s already causing me trouble.” Wondered Jess as she was tip-toeing on the floor looking at the ground careful not to step one of the 3 playing cats on the ground.

“Well… I didn’t really find it much of a challenge. For as long as I can remember I’ve had these cats. I and my sisters take turns caring for them.” Adrienne replied.

“Well good for you. I always wanted to have a real pet at home but I’ve always been either too busy or too lazy to even bother taking care of my pet. Also, my brother tends to torment animals, like his old guinea pig “guss”. So sending a pet at home would be like sending it to its grave.” Jess said while patting one of the cats “what are their names by the way?”

“Names? Well those 2 on the sofa are Friday and Tuesday. The 3 playing around is Monday, Saturday and Wednesday. While the one sleeping is—“

“let me guess.” Interrupted Jess

“The one sleeping is Sunday and this guy is Thursday! Right?”

“Actually it’s the vice-versa. The one sleeping is Thursday and this one is Sunday.”

“Ohh… right, who named these guys anyway? Frankly I found the fact that you named your cats according to the 7 days of the week rather weird.” Wondered Jess

“Well my sisters named them. When I was born they were already named.”

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, November 01, 2008


This isn't exactly one chapter yet. I just posted what I already posted in a forum. This is a little longer though.


It has been 26 years before these events took place. When I was last involved in an imaginary world of witches and vampires. A place I like to call “Lacross”.

Jessie Cunner is a 17 year old girl with chestnut brown hair that was neither too dark to be black or too light to be brown. Her eyes were of an extremely light blue hue, the kind of blue hue that contradicted her dark hair which made her eyes stand out. She had an averagely fit physic—not too thin, not too fat but somewhere in between. Lastly her skin was pale—too pale it made her seem as if her blood has been drained from her veins but it also made her seemingly pink lips stand out fairly well. She was usually called “Jess” by her peers.

As the warm and comforting wind bids good bye to her, she packs her things and leaves for big city London. Her father, an architect, was recently selected as the head architect on a major construction in big city London. He decides to bring his family, is wife Mrs. Miranda Cunner—a thin woman with brown hair similar to that of an average brown from a Crayola crayons box; his boy Shean Cunner—a mischievous looking 12 year old turning 13 this year with brown hair like his mothers but the same brown eyes that belonged to his father—and daughter Jessie Cunner, to the city to live with him until the construction ends. Mr. Cunner has bought a house with a discounted price given by the company and even found a good private school to enroll both Shean and Jess in. So there was no reason for Mr. Cunner to refuse. Although everybody agreed, Jess didn’t. If she left she knew she would leave everything behind. The house that sheltered her until that day, the school that educated her and made her what she is now, her friends who comforted her and became a good reason why she was happy until that moment and most of all she knew that if she left she would be leaving her beloved Boyfriend, Daren, behind. Unfortunately, she was out numbered. Her mother wanted to go because she didn’t like the fact that her co-workers always kept on bugging her. Her brother wanted to go because he knew that if he steps inside his school he’ll get into another fight with the one he had a fight with the last time. Her father wanted to go, obviously, because his job is there and couldn’t say no to the company’s very generous offer—a large salary, a home, a school for his kids and medical insurances signed by the company’s president himself. So, Jess didn’t have a choice but to follow the family’s decision.

As Jess packed the last of the bags into the car she notices that her friends and Daren arrived to bid her goodbye. She instantly ran to them and hugged Daren tight, her friends then surrounded Jess and hugged her. She didn’t want to leave but she had no choice. Her parents knew how Jess felt during this moment and quietly stayed inside the car. This moment over whelmed Jess, she cried as hard as she could as she hugs Daren tighter.

“We’ll contact you 24/7 every time you look at your phone expect a message or two from us.” Encouraged Jess’ skinny friend who eventually cried because of the sheer fact that she will be leaving and no matter how often they will communicate they will still miss each other.

“Look I’m sure the construction won’t take too much time and when it’s finished I’ll be waiting her for you.” Softly Daren said to Jess as he caresses her hair trying to make Jess feel lighter.

“What if that won’t happen?! What if the construction will never end?! What will happen then?!” Shouted Jess she could no longer hold her thoughts and her words because of her emotions.

Daren sheds a tear in his eye and escorts Jess ever so slowly to her car where her parents and brother are waiting for her to get in. Jess walked slower than Daren did—wanting this moment to last forever but things never last forever. When Daren and Jess arrive at the door of Jess’ family car, Daren opened the door and finally gave Jess one last kiss on the forehead before saying goodbye. Jess gets in the car and tries to hold her tears as she closes the door and the car engine is turned on.

While inside Jess looks at the window at the back window, looking at what she will leave behind and miss. It didn’t take long enough before she can scarcely see her friends and Daren and it also didn’t take long before she passed by a sign saying “Thank you for visiting. We hope you will come again.” The difference though was that Jess knew she will never return. She knew that when her father will finish his current project he will then get other job offerings in the city until they will ultimately live there—forever.

It’s been an hour since Jessie last saw the faces of her beloved friends and Daren and for the past hour she’s been extremely quiet, scary-quiet.

“Why don’t we go around London when we settle our things in our new home?” said Mrs. Cunner trying to break the cold atmosphere her daughter is displaying.

Although there was no reply except the futile reply of her husband—Mr. Cunner “Sure, why not? We should have some fun running around and exploring the place. Anyway, your classes don’t start until the day after tomorrow, Right?”

Both Jess and her brother Shean look at their dad with 2 different expressions. Shean looked at his father with the impression that he wasn’t listening because he was listening to the sound effects from playing with his PSP. Jess, on the other hand, portrayed a sadistic look. A sadistic look mainly caused by her seemingly tear-wet face and reddish eyes. But both children replied the same “yea.” After, both returned to what they did before. Mrs. Cunner not knowing what to do simply looked at her husband and then he looked at her back, both of them had a face saying “this will be a long ride.”

They soon arrive in big city London. The city’s beauty awed all 4 of them. Although tit wasn’t their first time entering the city but it still awed them anyway. Even Jess, despite her sorrow, took notice of the place. It wasn’t long until they parked in front of their new house.

The house was that of an elegant yet simple design, a design that was actually made by their father a long time ago. In fact some of the neighboring houses were of his design. All four entered took their respective luggage and entered the house. As they entered their head seemed to turn 360 degrees. They were awed by the fine architecture of the house. It welcomed them with a French designed staircase leading to the rooms and a large 2-story cathedral like window. To the left were 2 Roman styled columns that divided the living room and the entrance. Its living room was decorated with fine leather furniture and a flat television screen. Its floors were of fine dark wood that matched the room and the colorful paintings. There was the large kitchen and breakfast area. The kitchen was decorated with fine granite counters, a big stove and a separate oven, a large 2 door refrigerator and French styled tiles and walls to match. Next to the breakfast area was the dinning room with a comfort room nearby. The dinning room was a small room just enough for a large table of 8 and enough space that made it neither not too tight nor not too wide. From the dinning room they can see the backyard with a large apple tree and some flowers, such as an assortment of colored roses as well as elegant daffodils and dandelions. The upper floor displayed a simpler design. It had a small library and 3 rooms—the master bed room, Jess’ room and Shean’s room. Each room, of course like any simple yet elegant house, had its own bathroom—that way the whole house wouldn’t have noises caused by Shean and Jess’s argument on who would be using the bathroom next. It was an elegant yet simple home indeed.

“So how do you like it?” Mr. Cunner boasted as he places his luggage on the floor. Jess was awed by the house’s interior. She could barely utter her words.

“Wow Dad it’s…it’s…beau—“said Jess before she was interrupted by Shean, her brother, who said,

“WoW!! Dad this place is awesome!! I can’t believe we’ll be staying here!! Hey dad, can we pick our own room?”

“Well I don’t see why no—“Mr. Cunner said before, like Jess, being interrupted by Shean—who immediately ran upstairs to claim his room.

“Wow dad, this house looks great.” Jess said to her dad finally able to finish her sentence without Shean’s interruptions.

“Well I’m glad that you’re okay with it. You should know that after every storm, comes out the sun shining brightly. I know everything is going to go swell.” He kisses Jess’s head with his arm around her shoulder like what every good father would do to comfort his only daughter.

“I’m getting this room!!!” Shean shouted from upstairs.

“Hey! No fair twerp! I’m older so I should pick first!!” Jess shouted back and ran upstairs.
Families are at most important to one’s life. They teach you that basics of everything and will never leave you to burn under the heat of the sun nor will they allow you to carry the hold world under your shoulders by yourself. They are always there everywhere anytime.
During this moment it showed just that. As Jess reached the room where her brother claimed to be his, they argued on who will be keeping the room. Of course their parents stopped their argument and made them rather disappointed at the same time by telling them that that room would be theirs.

“well if that’s the case then I’ll be having this room instead!” Shean shouted again from another near by room.

His room had 2 windows showing the 2 trees from the backyard. The whole room was in a rather yellow hue. Even the carpeted floor also matched the hue of the whole room itself. It was also the only room in the house with a balcony a big plus for whoever will own it. Jess rushes in and was initially attached to the room. I was perfect for her and it’ll be her room she thought but then her thought broke hen she remembered her annoying brother’s annoying voice. She knew, to get hold of the room she had to take care of one small obstacle.

“You like stories don’t you Shean?” Asked Jess

“Well if you’re trying to change my mind then it won’t work! You can get the other room but this room is mine!” Shouted Shean

Jess simple calmed down and sat on the bed and said, “What are you talking about? I just thought that you’d be interested to know the history of this place.”

“What about it?”

“well…” Jess continued “you see that big tree just outside that window? Well I herd that that was the place where a little girl was killed when she was accused of being a witch back in the 1800’s.” Jess leans beside her brother’s ear and talks softly “I even heard that that same girl is still seen sitting on one of the branches of that same tree. Today she is seen with pale blue skin, humming odd tunes and even walking around the house once a while… But of course it’s only a folk tale. Everybody knows that these things aren’t real.” Jess leaves humming a peculiar tune. When she was about to grab the door’s knob

“Wait! Y-you want to take this room instead?” Her brother’s words showed his tension.

“Oh you sure? I thought you wanted this room?” She let out a plastic surprised face.

“No, you can have it. I’m just being generous today.”

“Oh really? Thank you, little brother.” Her words were obviously plastic. It was a good thing that her brother was half attentive. He was more focused on getting out of the room, which he did a few seconds after. Jess’s plan worked well. She always had a talent for persuading people but that “people” had a population of 1--- Shean Cunner.

Posted by Cresent at Saturday, November 01, 2008